Evaluate the Report

KPMG praises its member firms' stakeholders' opinion:

Please inform which of the following groups you represent:

Has this report contributed for a better understanding of KPMG in Brazil's operation?
Yes, it has No, it has not Partially  

How do you assess our report with respect to the following items:
Clarity (the language and presentation used are easily understood) Excellent Good Poor
Content (information is pertinent) Excellent Good Poor

KPMG inquired of its member firms' stakeholders on the main themes its report should feature. The assessment of the report on each of the four themes prioritized by the stakeholders was:
Ethical business conduct Excellent Good Poor
Responsible and transparent governance systems Excellent Good Poor
High-quality and independent audit /(services) Excellent Good Poor
Good treatment of employees Excellent Good Poor
Please justify your answers:      

Is there any matter which has not been addressed by our report, which you understand as significant for our business segment (AUDIT – TAX – ADVISOY services)? Please specify:

Based on the reading of this report, would say that KPMG has a responsible operation, considering the business segment in which it operates?
Yes, I would No, I would not Neutral

Navigation user-friendliness: Excellent Good Poor
Design adequacy: Excellent Good Poor
Downloading time: Ótimo Bom Poor

Further comments:

(No identification is required)
