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GRI 4.12

Since 2002, KPMG International has been a signatory to the Global Compact — a structure created by the United Nations Organization (UNO) aimed at companies committed to aligning their operations and strategies with the ten principles that cover human rights, labor rights, the environment and combating corruption.

Within a context of remarkable economic, regulatory, political, social and environmental changes, companies are required to understand and increasingly, contribute in the sphere of influence of their businesses.

KPMG’s approach to Corporate Citizenship reflects the objectives of the Global Compact. Furthermore, through our services, we help to simplify complexity, offering clear solutions and thus transforming knowledge into value to the benefit of our clients, the capital markets, our people and our communities. By acting ethically and responsibly, by working to increase confidence in the capital markets on which we all depend and by offering solutions and specialized knowledge, we can create a different type of value – trust and social capital –contributing towards the development and creation of sustainable markets.

Visit the Report Communication on Progress (COP) prepared by KPMG International which reflects the actions coordinated by the network of member firms that aim to address these principles.

For further information, access: www.pactoglobal.org.br.  

The Global Compact recognizes that companies, commerce and investments are important pillars for a prosperous and peaceful world. It is headed by the General Secretary for the UNO, and is the largest global initiative for Corporate Citizenship. Its aim is to develop and demonstrate the social legitimacy of companies and markets.



Global Compact Index
Principles of the Global Compact  GRI Indicators Commitments Systems Actions and Services provided
Human Rights        
Principle 1: respect and protect human rights HR2 and LA13 KPMG International and the member firms recognize that human rightsare a fundamental part of corporate citizenship and therefore, we respect andsupport  the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights Code of Conduct Corporate Values Human Rights policy being developed (part of our contracts with suppliers include clauses of this nature) Global and Local Team for Citizenship andDiversity Global policy for dealing with disasters Assist in defining human rights policies at clients Help clients define general commitmentsfor ethics, governance,  integrity andresponsibility
Principle 2: prevent human rights violations HR2
Labor rights        
Principle 3: support the freedom of association at work   KPMG International and the member firms do not use forced, compulsory or childlabor. KPMG International and the member firms support the freedom ofassociation, and when applicable, recognize the right to collective bargaining.Our personnel want to work for an organization that encourages respect forindividuality and this is one of the main corporate values at  KPMG International and the member firms. The development of a  globalculture of diversity and inclusion is fundamental for KPMG and critical forretaining  the best professionals. Code of Conduct Global Diversity Group Global People, Performance and Culture Group Recognition and benefits Learning and Development; Global Opportunities KNOW – KPMG’s Network of WomenWork at clients to establish an approach for chain value, helping them tocreate monitoring mechanisms
Principle 4: Eliminate forced labor HR2 and HR6
Principle 5: Abolish child labor HR2 and HR7
Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination at work  EC5, EC7, LA13 and HR2
Principle 7: Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges   KPMG International and the member firms arededicated to managing their environmental impact  in a proactive manner, and are committed toextending their activities  and makinga difference. KPMG International is an active member of  the World Business Council for SustainableDevelopment. Global Green Initiative Internal Campaigns for environmental awareness Diagnosis of carbon footprint with goals to reduce it Goals to reduce water, electricity and items of consumption included in annual assessment of all professionals Training via Web Technology Solutions for remote access and video-conferences e-AudIT The Climate Change & SustainabilityServices (CC&SS) area can help clients with a vast range of services,including: help in integrating sustainability in their business strategy;help in assessing sustainability performance in a possible investment; helpin strengthening knowledge about sustainability
Principle 8: promote environmental responsibility EN1, EN2, EN3, EN4, EN8, EN16,  EN18 and EN22
Principle 9: Encourage environmentally-friendly technologies EN2 and EN18
Principle 10: work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribary SO3 KPMG International and the member firms arecommitted to achieving the highest ethical standards and behavior in all thatthey do.  “Act with integrity” is one of our global values. Code of Conduct Anticorruption and Anti-bribery policies andtraining Policies and training in ethics and  Compliance Procedures for accepting and renewing clients Hotline Assessment, Compensation and Promotion; International Transparency Report to clients, our Financial Audit, Forensic, Anti-bribery and Anticorruption services

© 2012 KPMG Auditores Independentes, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International") is a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.